Nimbus Android SDK



class NimbusRequest(val position: String, val request: BidRequest = BidRequest( imp = arrayOf(Impression(ext = Impression.Extension(position))), app = app, user = user, source = Source().takeUnless { !Nimbus.thirdPartyViewabilityEnabled }?.apply { omidpn = Nimbus.sdkName omidpv = Nimbus.version }, ).apply { session_id = Nimbus.sessionId })

A request to Nimbus.

By default requests from the SDK will be sent to https://{publisherKey} To override the url for this request use the requestUrl property on this object.



position A freeform identifier used to aggregate all requests with the same position value across all platforms. Different positions should be used to identify each unique ad placement in app to compare the performance of different ads but should be consistent across platforms. New position values are automatically recorded by Nimbus and do not require backend setup so care should be taken to not use a dynamic value such as an auto-incrementing number for this field.
request The underlying OpenRTB request to Nimbus,


NimbusRequest constructor(position: String, request: BidRequest = BidRequest( imp = arrayOf(Impression(ext = Impression.Extension(position))), app = app, user = user, source = Source().takeUnless { !Nimbus.thirdPartyViewabilityEnabled }?.apply { omidpn = Nimbus.sdkName omidpv = Nimbus.version }, ).apply { session_id = Nimbus.sessionId })


Name Summary
Companion object Companion
Interceptor fun interface Interceptor : NimbusResponse.Listener, NimbusError.Listener
Listener for intercepting outbound request to modify or add request parameters


Name Summary
companionAds var companionAds: Array<CompanionAd>
Requested Companion Ads
extendedIds val extendedIds: MutableSet<EID>
The set of extended IDs appended to the User object when this request is sent to Nimbus.
interceptors val interceptors: MutableSet<NimbusRequest.Interceptor>
Internal Use Only
interstitialOrientation var interstitialOrientation: Int
Forces the orientation of an interstitial request
position @JvmField
val position: String
request @JvmField
val request: BidRequest
requestUrl var requestUrl: String
Override the url for this request.


Name Summary
addApsLoader fun NimbusRequest.addApsLoader(loader: DTBAdLoader)
Adds a DTBAdLoader to the request which will handle making the request when the NimbusRequest is made
addApsResponse fun NimbusRequest.addApsResponse(response: DTBAdResponse)
Adds the parameters from a DTBAdResponse to the request which includes APS in the auction.
addExtendedId @JvmOverloads
fun addExtendedId(source: String, id: String, extensions: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()): Boolean
Adds an extended user identifier to this request.
addNativeAd @JvmStatic
fun NimbusRequest.addNativeAd(size: NativeAdSize = Medium, includeVideo: Boolean = false, adContext: Byte? = null, adContextSubType: Byte? = null, placementType: Byte? = null, battr: ByteArray? = null): NimbusRequest
Modifies a NimbusRequest to optionally fill a native ad.
asRewardedAd @JvmStatic
fun NimbusRequest.asRewardedAd(context: Context): NimbusRequest
Appends the necessary information to the NimbusRequest to mark it as a rewarded ad.
builder fun builder(): AndroidBidRequestBuilder
Builder for modifying a bid request
configureViewability fun configureViewability(partnerName: String, partnerVersion: String)
Sets the Open Measurement Partner information for enabling viewability
plusAssign operator fun NimbusRequest.plusAssign(loader: DTBAdLoader)
Adds a DTBAdLoader to the request which will handle making the request when the NimbusRequest is made
operator fun NimbusRequest.plusAssign(response: DTBAdResponse)
Adds the parameters from a DTBAdResponse to the request which includes APS in the auction